1. Do I need to be an artist to benefit from this program?
No! That is why this program is so successful. No artistic talent, skill, training, or mastery is needed to benefit from the ICWIB! Program. All you need is the ability to hold a crayon or pencil.
2. Do I need to buy expensive art supplies to do the ICWIB! activities?
We recommend you buy inexpensive crayons, both fat and thin, and colored pencils and markers so you can reduce any possible internal pressure to create something exceptional. This in turn will free you to focus on the process instead of the product, which is where you want your attention to be. Often the end product is lovely, but that is not our main focus in this approach to art.
3. How can something as simple as scribbling help an individual transform inaccurate beliefs and perceptions?
Our mind actually consists of two minds—the subconscious mind and the conscious mind. They were designed to work together in tandem, but they do not operate simultaneously. So if you activate the conscious mind you suspend the subconscious mind, which is where our fundamental beliefs about life and ourselves are stored. When the subconscious mind is suspended, the conscious mind is able to see and ultimately change any inaccurate beliefs and perceptions that are hindering your ability to thrive and succeed.
Just Scribble, the first activity in the ICWIB! Program, is a unique form of mindfulness training. This deceptively simple activity teaches the art of self-reflection in a fun and delightful way, and in the process enables an individual to see more clearly and change inaccurate beliefs and perceptions.
4. Do all of the activities in the ICWIB! Program activate the conscious mind in the same way?
No. The activities are divided into three groups. Each group activates the conscious mind in a different way.
- The first group activates the conscious mind by releasing bottled-up tension and stress so the body and mind can relax and rebalance naturally.
- The second group activates the conscious mind through a “non-agenda” approach to creativity, which encourages individuals to follow their curiosity and create without an end product in mind or fear of being wrong.
- The third group of activates the conscious mind through novelty. When you use a different format or create a unique situation, the conscious mind is needed to problem-solve. This in turn suspends the subconscious mind.
In all cases, it is the freedom to explore, uncover, and discover that enables one to see and ultimately change an inaccurate belief or perception.
5. How can you tell when you or a child has shifted from their subconscious or reactive mind to their conscious, problem-solving mind?
When children shift from the subconscious or reactive mind to the conscious, problem-solving mind, the noise level drops, an inner calm sets in, and they become clearer and more productively engaged in the activity.
6. Are there ways you can facilitate this shift to happen more easily?
If you are teaching the activity to your children or students, we recommend slowing down your pace, deepening your breathing, and softening your voice. Also, remember to keep it simple, avoid complexity or too many steps, because that will have the opposite effect.
If you are doing the activity for yourself, we recommend you also slow down and deepen your breathing, and allow your body to soften with every movement of your crayon or pencil. This approach will bring you move fully into your body, the moment, and your conscious mind, and enable you to more easily see when the children are in a similar state.